Evaluation of my Music Magazine- Prezi

Planning my music magazine- Prezi

VOICE reader profile

She is an average earner aged probably between her late teens to late twenties. She spends most of her disposable income, which is about £30-£40, on anything music related from gig tickets to downloads.

She has always been one to know the latest and freshest bands on the scene, and wants to be the one telling all her friends about the newest sounds. From an early age, music magazines, along with websites, and music channels would be her only access to this thirst of gaining the latest insights into a variety of music genres, especially indie with a mixture of house music. Fashion goes hand in hand with her music tastes, and she without knowing, matches her fashion taste with her music.

As she gets older and perhaps at Uni, her knowledge of a wide variety of music has increased and her thirst for the newest sounds around is still fresh. She enjoys going to big concerts to intimate gigs, but doesn’t just see her favourite band or artist; she keeps her mind open to new music everyday. She has an internship at a music magazine as a hopeful music journalist and is constantly trying to build up her career. She prefers to hear of new and upcoming bands by a word of mouth approach because she deems it more reliable and fuels her thirst for new sounds.

She now enthusiastically tries to inform and influence others, through social networks like Facebook, and is still downloading music and going to concerts. She still strives to keep her knowledge fresh, and thanks to her gain of knowledge from her job as an aspiring music journalist, she is still living in the ‘now’ and always will be.

Final Versions cover and contents

Music Magazine questionnaire

1.       Are you male or female?
Male                           Female           

2.       How old are you?
        13-14                          15-18                          19-21                                   22-26

3.       Would you be interested in gig/concert tickets discounts?

Yes                            No

4.       What are your three favourite shops?

5.       How much do you pay for music and music related products a month?

£0-£19                              £20-£39                              £40-£59                         £60+

6.       How much would you be willing to pay for a music magazine?
       £0-£2.00                             £3.00-£4.00                                    Other
          If other, please state
7.       Which would you rather see in a music magazine?

Reviews                  Articles                        Interviews                  Mixture

8.       What genre of music do you listen to?
(Please circle your choice)

Indie/Alternative      Rock      Pop      Dance     R&B      Electro      Mixture        Other

If other, please state

9.       What music magazines do you read that cover your favourite genre?

10.   What 3 colours do you think would stand out the most on a music magazine of your favourite genre?

11.   What bands/artists do you listen to of your favourite genre?

12.   What would you like to see on the cover of a music magazine of your favourite genre?

Nme Research

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