Sixth form Questionnaire with results

Sixth Form Questionnaire 
1.       In a sixth form magazine, would you like to see more articles on the world of fashion music and sport and film, rather than information on current events taking place in the school? 

Yes                                      No                                Both

2.       Would you like a sixth form magazine to feature the latest celebrity news? 
                                          Yes                                         No

3.       Would you personally like to get involved in helping with the sixth form magazine, and if so what areas would you want to cover?

     Yes                                              No

4.      At the moment, do you think it’s easy to find out the latest news within the school?
Yes                                                    No

                     If not, do you think a sixth form magazine should feature news on events within school?
                                                Yes                                           No

5.       What school subjects would you find most interesting for a sixth form magazine to cover? 

Most people want to see a mixture of information on stuff inside school with information on the outside world of fashion, music and film. People also don’t think it’s easy to find out information inside school at the moment, and so think a magazine would be helpful. Therefore information  on school events would be useful to sixth form students.